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Pursuant to article 13 of the Leg. Decree 196/2003 (law on personal data protection) the signatory MARIO MANZO SRL, as the owner of the processed data, states that all collected personal data relating to established commercial relationships will be the subject of the processing in accordance with the above-mentioned regulation.

In relation to the aforementioned processing of data, the Company also provides the following information.

The purposes of the processing of personal data provided by you are: execution of contracts and related commitments we have stipulated with you, fulfill legal obligations relating to our contractual relationship, the organisational management of the contract, any external professional collaboration required to meet legal obligations, the protection of contractual rights, internal statistical analyses, marketing activities which include sending out promotional and advertising material relating to products or services similar to those that are the subject of our existing commercial relationship, in situations that have already been authorised by consent.

Personal data will be processed in paper, electronic and telematic documents and entered in pertaining data banks which the individuals in charge of data processing, who have been expressly appointed by the owner as the personal data processors, may have access to, and therefore learn about, and who may consult, use, process, compare the data, and any other appropriate activity, including automated, in accordance with the legal provisions designed to guarantee, among other things, confidentiality and data security as well as accuracy, updating and pertinence of the data based on the official purposes.

The provision of personal information is required for the purpose of executing all necessary and functional activities to fulfill contractual and legal obligations. Accordingly, any refusal to provide personal information for these purposes may result in the signatory's inability to carry out these contractual relationships and legal obligations.

Data can be disclosed to the following categories of entities:

- post offices, transportation companies and delivery companies for aspects relating to the shipping of goods and customs procedures;

- banks for the management of collection and payments; financial administrations and other establishments or public agencies in order to fulfil legal obligations;

- legal companies and firms for the protection of contractual rights;

- agents, representatives, procurers who operate for the signatory, contractors, freelancers and client companies;

- debt collection agencies;

- other clients and suppliers of the signatory;

- other third companies in order to fulfil contractual obligations generated by regular company activity.

The disclosure of your personal data is not envisioned. With reference to the above-mentioned processing, the rights referred to in article 7 of the Leg. Decree 196/2003 can be exercised within the limits and under the conditions laid down by articles 8, 9 and 10 of the afore-mentioned legislative decree, by writing or contacting:

Trattoria Taverna Capitan Uncino - P.Iva: 02172380277
Sestiere Santa Croce 1501 - 30135 - Venezia (VE), Italy
Tel : 041-72.19.01
E-mail : info@tavernacapitanuncino.it